Why Personal Development is Key to a Happier Life

personal growth and happiness

Over the years, we have all repeatedly heard about the concept of personal development, with different authors offering different understandings of it. Many people have achieved great success by applying it, but do we really understand why personal development is key to a happier life?


Personal development is a concept of living and thinking that goes far beyond the average life. To truly understand its importance and reap its benefits, we must understand where it comes from and – where it’s taking us. 



Meaning of Personal Development

The concept of personal development has received a lot of attention over the last 20 years, but its origins are far from today.


Its root is believed to stem from Aristotle, who, over 2,000 years ago, was one of the first to discuss the concept. One of his many quotes on personal development says: 

“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self.”

In this sentence, he illustrates the central problem of personal development. The most challenging part of growth is to continuously discipline yourself and use your time, skills, and resources to create the best version of yourself.


In the context of this quote, our desires could be anything that is distancing us from our most developed selves and impacting our life in a negative way. It could be our unhealthy habits, negative thinking, laziness, or anything else. 


It seems so obvious that we would want a happier life, better relationships, and more success, but is it ‘natural’ to think like this? Personal development is an advanced form of thinking and living that does not come to us by default. It comes from an elevated state of consciousness about our future, our potential, and our possible impact on the world. 


If someone asked you if you want all these things, your answer would probably be yes. But the question is: are you willing to give up your addictions, your comfort zone, and your bad habits?

The answer to this question will define your future and how quickly you reach your goals. 


Even though it doesn’t come to us by default, personal development is considered a human need. This can be observed in Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs.  


Maslow's pyramid of needs



Personal Development is a Human Need


Personal development concept is directly related to the top three categories of our needs.


  • Need for love and belonging is impacted by developing ourselves and therefore our relationships.
  • Need for self-esteem and recognition is impacted through developing our mindset, relationships, and self-love.
  • Need for self-actualization is the highest need, and it is most directly related to personal development.


Self-actualization IS personal development.


It is the need to become the most authentic and developed version of ourselves. The need to use our potential and live a purposeful life. 


You may aim to improve only certain areas of your life, but being on the journey opens the door to your highest potential in all areas. Each of these five categories impacts each other; therefore, personal development will positively impact your life in general.



The Importance of Personal Development 

Life is hard, and ironically, it is harder if we try to make it more comfortable.


That is why personal development is key to a happier life. It elevates our experience and shifts our focus to seeking solutions and putting purpose behind our daily life.


Life is not meant to be ‘easy’, and what we think of as ‘easy’ is simply ‘unnatural’. 


For example,  people wish to be rich or famous, while people who are, often say that being rich and famous doesn’t make them happier. Being rich or famous will never make a real, long-term difference in a person’s inner state, but can only make life easier in material matters. 



The Illusion of Wealth 

If we refer back to Maslow’s hierarchy, we can understand that people who do not have their primary needs fully satisfied might think that money would bring value to all of their needs. The truth is, wealth can only impact the first two levels, which are the physical needs.


The top three level needs, which are most responsible for our true satisfaction with life, can only be supported with financial means but are not really improved. 


The satisfaction that comes from self-actualization, self-love, or connections can only be achieved by improving our inner state, and no external factor like money, can have a real impact. Even though money can seem to have an impact on status and, therefore, self-esteem, it is an illusion.


How a person feels about themselves is entirely up to internal factors. That is why, in this world, we have a lot of people with very high status that keep seeking infinite material wealth, in order to satisfy their low self-esteem needs. Money can only temporarily feed the ego, but never truly satisfy us.




Life Without Personal Growth 

Not living our life through personal development leads to increasing dissatisfaction over the course of life, which then transfers to everyone around us. 


This dissatisfaction is then being ‘cured’ by increasingly indulging in small but negative pleasures of life, such as alcohol, tobacco, excessive eating, gossip, or other addictions, which leads to further mental and physical health issues.


In this situation, being wealthy can pose a much greater risk for a person since they have everything easily available. No matter what situation we are in, personal development is our key to a happier life.


When it comes to your decision on personal development, the main question is: 

Is it going to be a sacrifice of your time and effort, to be the best version of yourself, or a sacrifice of your potential, health, and happiness, for the ignorance of thinking you don’t need to improve?

Maybe some people are lucky to be raised with a growth mentality, to be taught how to deal with their emotions and challenges, how to be successful and happy, and how to maintain meaningful relationships. Maybe some people had the blessing of being developed by other humans to be taught when it was the easiest to teach them, but the reality is:

We have to re-mold ourselves into the people we want to be. The more mistakes were made previously, the more molding it will take, but, the more skilled at reshaping, we will become.



What it Takes to Grow

The most important factor in our personal development journey is our willingness to grow. Besides this, there are a few key aspects we must follow in order to make growth an integral part of our lives. 



1. Allow Growth to Happen

Very often, the only person who is preventing or slowing down our growth is simply ourselves. Subconsciously, we sabotage our growth because we are afraid of two things. Either we believe we will fail to achieve our goals, so our ego refuses to start in order to avoid getting hurt, or we are afraid of the change that success might bring.


Both of these fears are normal, but it is important to recognize when they are standing in our way.


Our brain is naturally scared of the unknown. It tries to protect itself by procrastinating, or by convincing us that we cannot do something. For our brain, change can be perceived as a threat.


There are more things to be afraid of in the comfort zone, than in the unknown. If we remian in our comfort zone and never strive for more, we risk a life of dissatisfaction and regret.


To face this problem, we must regularly do things that make us feel uncomfortable. We have to motivate ourselves to work on our goals even when we don’t feel like it, and program our minds to be excited about change rather than afraid of it. 



2. Strive to Improve Your Environment

Life is hard no matter who you are. Although we might have very different struggles, how we perceive them is what ultimately defines our experience. For this reason, we could say that the inner experience determines whether or not we have ‘space’ for personal development.


You could have all your primary and even secondary needs satisfied, but maybe you have a strong ego that stands in your way of creating space for complete personal development. On the other hand, you might live in poverty or in a negative environment that does not support your growth, but you have an inner desire to improve your situation and you refuse to give into your circumstances. This inner desire is what will drive your growth. 


Our circumstances are very different, but personal development is there to improve them. All we have to do is start overcoming our challenges one at a time. No matter the circumstance, personal development can make us our own heroes and become our key to a happier life.


To illustrate this solution, we can remember the story of Buddha. After seeing the immense suffering in the village near his palace, he discovered that meditation is a technique to improve your inner world and therefore become happier, no matter your external world. This, as we know, was the beginning of his journey as one of the greatest spiritual leaders of our world.


Why personal development



3. Set Clear Goals

Goals are a fundamental part of any growth process. To put this in perspective: 

It means nothing to know where you want to go if you don’t know how you will get there. 

When it comes to setting our goals, it is important to balance rational expectations with dreams and potential.

We need to stay within the limits of our physical abilities and set realistic goals to avoid disappointment. But, it is also important to listen to the desires of our soul and pursue what we believe we can achieve with effort. 



4. Stay Consistent

Staying consistent in our personal development practices is essential to achieving continuous and meaningful growth.


Growth takes time, and it would be an irrational goal for you to think you will see results very soon. Growth entails creating new beliefs, and beliefs are not formed easily.


Remember to keep your eyes on the goal, and know that you can be anyone you want to be. This person may be years away from now, but they will be worth every struggle you go through. 



5. Reflect on Your Progress and Seek Feedback

Seeking feedback and reflecting on progress are also very important steps of our development journey.

Reflecting on our progress, whether in the form of talking to ourselves or journaling, can provide amazing insights. It is important to stay kind to yourself, and not expect that growth will be linear or easy.


Feedback from others can also provide valuable insights that we might not see on our own. However, it is important to consider who we ask for advice and criticism. Our minds often give more value to other people’s opinions than ours, especially at the beginning of our journey.




Personal development is the development and betterment of our inner world, our mind, body, and soul. It reflects the improvement of your external changes, and makes our total experience much more fulfilling, and us more resilient.


If we embrace growth as a mindset, we can rise above limitations and open the doors to our full potential. Personal development is not just key to a happier life, but the very essence of living fully and authentically as our best self.